Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Abby's still a great photographer - this is the Royal Palace in Madrid.
Calle Huerta, where we stayed. It's a really pleasant area very close to the Prado. The Prado was definitely the highlight of our stay in Madrid. There were lots of amazing paintings, including the great Velazquez painting Las Meninas http://www.museodelprado.es/index.php?id=100&tx_obras[uid]=390&no_cache=1. We also loved seeing the Bosch painting http://www.museodelprado.es/pagina-principal/coleccion/que-ver/1-hora-en-el-museo-15-obras/obra/el-jardin-de-las-delicias-o-la-pintura-del-madrono-1/ Wayne was very disappointed that the gallery with that painting was closed. He asked a guard, and she said that maybe it would open at 6. He checked again at 6 and it was still closed. Then, just as we were getting ready to leave, the guard came rushing up and said, "The room is open!" She had searched us out in the museum to let us know. Abby loved this picture, with lots more questions about why someone would end up in the right panel than the middle one. My favorite piece of statuary in Madrid. It was a little hard getting this photo, as there was a woman screaming and throwing her shoes into traffic right next to me.

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