Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Venice was certainly beautiful, but cool and rainy much of the time we were there. This is a view from the balcony of the Basilica San Marco, which is one of the most beautiful cathedrals anywhere. Inside (where no pictures are allowed, though you can see some here), is gorgeously decorated. The floors and lower parts of the walls are all stone or marble, symbolizing the earth, while the upper walls and ceilings have mosaics surrounded by small gold colored tiles, representing heaven. It is stunning. The treasury was a treat, too, with lots of relics and beautiful items. Of course, travelling the canals was one of the highlights. We took the vaporettos (water buses) everywhere.
Our hotel was located on this canal, as was the best restaurant we ate at, Gam Gam. It's a kosher restaurant situated on the edge of the old Jewish Ghetto of Venice, and it is fabulous.
Venice prices are not for the faint of heart! We were highly amused at one restaurant (one we did NOT eat at) that charged about $12 for a soda.

Below is a view from the Campanile, a tower across from the Basilica.

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